CMA Assists with Urgent Repatriation

The Center for Mariner Advocacy (CMA) consistently steps in to defend the rights of seafarers facing unfair treatment. A recent case highlighted this commitment when an Indian seafarer was connected to CMA through the assistance of a local seafarer center. His father, battling lung cancer, experienced a serious decline in health, prompting the seafarer to request early release from his contract to return home and assist his family. However, the company informed him that leaving early would constitute a contract breach, and they would not cover his repatriation expenses.
CMA, working alongside local seafarer center chaplains and ITF representatives, collaborated to address the issue. They engaged with both the company’s representatives and flag state officials, emphasizing the seafarer’s situation and highlighting potential violations of MLC, 2006 standards. This advocacy led the company to reverse its stance, allowing the seafarer to leave without repercussions.
This case highlights CMA’s critical role as it provides a crucial support system for individual mariners and seafarers who may face a wide range of issues, including abandonment, repatriation, shore leave, injury, illness, living conditions, contract disputes, and immigration. CMA’s mission is to stand by their side, providing advocacy and ensuring fair treatment during such challenging circumstances.