Fostering Respect and Resolution

by the Rev. James Kollin
Chaplain, International Seafarers’ Center–Port of New York and New Jersey
from the December Quarterly Activity Report

During a visit onboard a ship, I witnessed a conflict resolution meeting facilitated by the captain in the control office. The issue stemmed from an alleged physical assault countered by claims of self-defense within the engine department. While no physical injuries occurred, the incident created a tense and hostile work environment, leaving the crew in that department unhappy and strained.
The captain addressed the crew involved, reminding them of the seriousness of such incidents and the ship’s strict zero-tolerance policy for workplace conflicts. I was particularly impressed when he said, “We do not want these problems onboard. We are all professionals here, and we must focus on our respective jobs. This should have been addressed earlier by the department supervisor—why wasn’t it?” His firm but fair tone set the stage for accountability and resolution.
At the captain’s request, I stepped into the hallway for privacy while the meeting continued. When it concluded, I observed a heartening moment: the two primary individuals in the conflict shook hands, walked out shoulder to shoulder, and even shared smiles. It was a hopeful sign.

However, shortly after, the complainant approached me, expressing lingering concerns. While he appreciated the resolution, which included a joint agreement that any future incident would result in immediate dismissal and repatriation, he admitted to feeling unsettled. He shared that repeated intimidation had traumatized him, prompting him to report the issue. As we spoke, two crew members from the galley joined us, sharing their own experiences of discrimination based on nationality.
I listened attentively, reassured them about the agreement’s safeguards, and encouraged them to report any future incidents. I praised the complainant’s courage in speaking up, sensing that his actions had prevented an escalation.
Before I disembarked, those I counseled expressed gratitude for my presence—both during the meeting for the solidarity it provided and afterward for being there to listen. We exchanged contact information to ensure they could reach out for follow-up support. I left with a deep appreciation for their courage and a renewed commitment to fostering safe and respectful environments onboard.