Schifflin/ICMA Statement Opens ILO-IMO Working Group

Yesterday marked the opening of the “Joint ILO–IMO Tripartite Working Group to Identify and Address Seafarers’ Issues and the Human Element” in Geneva, Switzerland. This is the third meeting of this particular ILO (International Labour Organization) and IMO (International Maritime Organization) group, and it is dedicated to discussing and developing guidelines for the fair treatment of seafarers detained on suspicion of crimes. Representing the International Christian Maritime Association (ICMA), Phil Schifflin, Esq., Director of SCI’s Center for Mariner Advocacy, participated alongside Dr. Jason Zuidema, Executive Director of the North American Maritime Ministry Association and ICMA’s General Secretary, as non-governmental observers. On behalf of ICMA, Phil was provided an opportunity to deliver an opening statement for the meeting.
Audio and transcript below:
“Thank you, Chair, and also thank you to the three Vice Chairs for granting us the opportunity to make this opening statement.
ICMA, which is the International Christian Maritime Association, is a global association of 27 seafarer welfare organizations that operate in more than 700 ports worldwide. Port Chaplains from our member organizations have visited with seafarers who have been detained on suspicion of committing crimes. These detentions almost always occur in a nation that is foreign to the seafarer and where they do not speak the language. Even when a seafarer is treated fairly, this situation is very traumatic. How much more so on those occasions when a seafarer is not treated fairly?
Accordingly, ICMA would like to thank all the delegates who are here at this meeting to work on this important issue, and as we deliberate on this issue over these next several days, we ask that we keep our focus on what is best for the seafarers. If we do this, we have a chance to make true progress on this important issue and make a real difference in the lives of the seafarers who are so critical to our collective well-being.
Thank you, Chair.”
More information about this meeting can be found on the ILO website.