Individual Giving

When you contribute to SCI, you provide the vital support that allows us to respond to mariner needs without hesitation. Every dollar makes a difference.
Founded in 1834, the Seamen’s Church Institute (SCI) promotes the safety, dignity, and improved working environment for the men and women serving in North American and international maritime communities through pastoral care, training, advocacy, and thought leadership. SCI serves as a voluntary, ecumenical agency affiliated with the Episcopal Church, serving mariners regardless of faith or background.

Online here: Make a Gift Online through our secure online system.
Call 212.349.9090 to speak with us on the phone and provide your credit card information.
Checks may be sent to SCI via our headquarters at 50 Broadway, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004.
Commemorative Gifts
Consider making a donation to SCI in honor of the mariners and sea-lovers among your friends and family to acknowledge their birthdays, anniversaries, career milestones, or any special occasion. You will receive a receipt for your donation, and your friend will receive a personal letter from SCI telling them that you have made this thoughtful gift in their name. (The amount of your contribution will be kept confidential.) In addition, your gift will be acknowledged by their name in our Annual Report.
Your donation may also be made in memory of someone special. We will write to family members or friends, as you request, telling them that you have made a thoughtful gift to SCI in memory of their loved one.
For ease of use, in memoriam and honorary options are available on our online form. Or if you like, you may speak to us on the phone at 212.349.9090 to configure personalized designations.