
Thank You Letters from Seafarers & Mariners
Every year, we receive lovely letters of appreciation from the crew who receive Christmas at Sea gifts. Here is a sampling from the 2019-2020 holiday season:
Dear Volunteers,
I want to thank you a lot for all these presents you gave us for Christmas. I spend a lot of Christmas at sea and it was my first time receiving such gifts. I was very happy for that and all the crew had a lot of fun when receiving and opening the presents.
I’m the Captain of the French container ship Cma Cgm Fidelio with 30 crew members and I’m Catholic.
We were coming from Singapore and calling at Halifax, New-York, Norfolk, Savannah, Charleston and then going back to Singapore.
I appreciate a lot that the members of your church spend time and money to make themselves some items and buy some others.
Thanks to Vicki (98 yrs) for the card and to Maureen M. and Maie B.
And probably the most important, thank you for your prayers.
“Merci beaucoup”
Alexandre Ribes

Dear Christmas Elves of the S.C.I.,
After our late Christmas o/b (29.12.2019), we wanted to forward our deepest and heartfelt thanks for your visit and the Christmas Bags which made our celebration very merry indeed.
You and your colleagues all around the globe are a unique and highly cherished part of the sailing community and are always very welcome o/b ( warm coffee and cookies are on standby, of course ;D ).
We also thank you all for your unique and selfless part in making life on board and in ports more worthwhile and wish all of you a prosperous, happy and healthy 2020.
Best Regards,
The Crew of Northern Majestic

Dear Mr.David M.Rider and All Volunteers, Friends at the Seaman’s Church Institute!
The whole Crew of ch/t “Stolt Bobcat” very much appreciate Your care and respect provided to us. We are All thankful to You for a kind attention and appreciation of our job at sea. All presents, which were received in New York on 26-November-2019 were presented to the crew. A handmade caps and scarfs will warm us in a Stormy Winter Atlantic and always will remind about All of You, who cares and spent time and gives us such appreciation.
We wish All of You a Merry X-mas and Prosperous New Year. Let’s New year will bring only positive things and Peace in entire World. Please, pass our appreciation to All People involved
Captain and Crew of ch/t “Stolt Bobcat”

Dear Volunteers from Seamen’s Church Institute,
Dear Rev. David M. Rider,
Kindly accept our warm thanks from myself and on behalf of my crew for your efforts to make us feel home at this Christmas.
The gesture is very grateful and everyone accepted your presents with happiness and thanks.
Wishing to all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy, peaceful and prosperous New 2020 Year!
Thanks and Kind Regards
Capt. Kolev Miroslav